Convexity Technologies is glad to officially join the UNICEF Venture Fund’s community of problem solvers through its flagship solution, CHATS (Convexity Humanitarian Aids Transfer Solution).
CHATS (www.chats.cash) is an ecosystem of blockchain-based applications pushing the boundaries of openness and transparency across Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programs. CHATS works in the crudest of environments.
CHATS is built to improve financial inclusion for social impact, boost donors’ confidence, create a gateway for improved and sustainable funding coming into Africa.
CHATS addresses Africa’s peculiar Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA) distribution problems. CHATS gives real-time visibility to NGOs and donors in tracking aid distribution to mitigate corruption and ensure the intended beneficiaries are the true recipients.
“The greatest impact we can have on the world is to empower the next generation. Our Solution will help get donor funds transparently to the vulnerable children, hence it will facilitate their growth through the needed access to education, healthcare, and other vital resources to improve their wellbeing.”
—Adedeji Owonibi (Cofounder/COO Convexity)
Reference www.chats.cash and https://www.unicefinnovationfund.org/node/916 for more info.
With the UNICEF Venture Fund, we will further develop chats.cash with an aim to bring transparency, dignity and ease to cash and voucher aid distribution across Africa.
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