There is an alarming rate of misappropriation of aid in Africa, and accountability is made hard due to fraud during distribution.
Between 2010 and 2021, Africa received $607.7 billion in aid, with the highest ($58.4 billion) coming in 2021. Africa also gets the lion’s share of global aid, with 30% coming to the continent annually. Regardless of this huge aid coming to Africa, it is mostly gulp by corruption.
C.H.A.T.S was built with the sole aim of shedding light on aid distribution through Cash Voucher Assistance programs. For one, it is built on a blockchain-based platform, which means that all transactions are recorded in a decentralized, tamper-proof ledger. This ensures that funds are being used as intended and that everyone involved in the project has access to the same information, and the data gotten is incorruptible.
In addition to this, CHATS offers geo-fencing and aid recall on misused funds, as well as real-time monitoring and evaluation of distributed aid and vendor monitoring. As a funder and donor, You rest assured that your funds are being used as intended while executing organizations or humanitarian bodies(NGOs, INGOs, etc) can easily demonstrate transparency in their project execution and funds disbursement.
Beneficiaries can also enjoy peace of mind knowing that they are receiving the total/complete aid intended for them.
With its cutting-edge blockchain-based applications, CHATS is pushing the boundaries of openness and transparency across Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programs like never before.
It is the solution to Ambiguity and Uncertainty in Humanitarian Aid Transfer!
If you are excited about what C.H.A.T.S. can do, you can join our early adopters’ waitlist.
Email: info@withconvexity.com
Others: https://withconvexity.start.page