
Learning Credential Solutions

Connecting studants, employers and educators through a trustworthy and blockchain-based network through industry and countries.

Verifying learning credentials: A process in need of change

A trustworthy credential for learning is evidence of the abilities gained by an applicant and checked by the issuer. The claimant, such as an employer, receives assurance that the desired background is a prospective employee. It also offers tools for employers and workers to align employees with potential jobs, and points them to the training they will need to be prepared for.

The use of skills-based qualifications has been motivated by a skills-based economy. There are at least 118,000+ unique certificates issued by a multitude of organizations in Nigeria alone. The BITCERT solution is designed to promote the management and sharing of credentials in order to use these credentials and improve their usefulness for decision-making, offering a reliable and trustworthy source for all skills-based credentials.

How blockchain helps humanitarian efforts

With CHATS, we believe in the potential of the blockchain for the benefit of society. Learn how innovators and humanitarians build new models of progress, advance awareness, and help solve the most pressing problems in the world.

Quickly align successes with opportunities

Helps students build their career and search for jobs that match their achievement/experience records and then share verified credentials with employers.

Aid to avoid fraud of credentials

Employers can identify and check qualifications easily and efficiently to determine work applicants with the correct experience to meet the criteria for the position.

Easier data analysis across networks

Users can check a credential’s provenance, whereas compassing instruments offer insight into the alignment of job skills and interoperability across various blockchains based on skills.

Increased 2-way data access

Data wallets provide individuals with independent management of their received credentials and a safe tool for multiple credential issuers to exchange with a person those credentials.